Updates and Announcements
Evening Meetings: The next evening meeting will be Wednesday, February 22th at 5:30 PM at Our Lady of the Pines Catholic Church in Conifer.
The Rotary Club of Conifer is happy to announce our President for 2023/2024 will be Stan Harsha.
- Foothills Home Garden and Lifestyle Show will be hosted at Evergreen High School on April 1st 10-5, April 2nd 10-3pm. A sign-up genius will be posted soon; help will be needed for set-up, day of event and take down. https://www.foothillshomeshow.com/show-details
- Time to think about kids to send to Rotary Youth Leadership Awards RYLA & YRYLA camps. We are sponsoring four RYLA and two young RYLA, Kids in Fairplay are eligible. Visit the www.rmryla.org for details and applications.
- A Sergeant-at-Arms in needed for March. The S-at-A will help set-up & take down the meeting room, ask people to lead us in the Pledge, Four-Way-Test, Word of Focus, and Getting to know you question, great people as they come in, and let the President know of any quests so we can welcome them, and pass the hat for Happy Dollars.It is a great way to meet our members, and its fun.
- The Conifer Club’s next social will be on Monday the 27th, 6pm, we will have a meet and greet with one of the facilitators from the Empowering Compassionate Peacebuilding class.
- JOIN THE ONLINE BUSINESS DIRECTORY http://rotary5450.business/Let Rotary Club members know about your business/profession! Features include search by topic or key word, Google map location, ability to edit your listing at any time - all for only $5 per year!
- The Colorado Rotary License Plates are now available. Log into ClubRunner, go to the Member Area, go to the documents, then memberships Docs, then Colorado Rotary License Plates for the instructions and documents needed. Show Off Your Rotary!
- This year’s grant recipients from the Rotary Club of Conifer Foundation and the Rotary Club of Conifer:
- Team Blitz Robotics
- A team of 26 high school age students with the primary purpose to develop students’ skills and interest in STEM for career or personal development
- Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice
- Camp Comfort Childhood Bereavement Program
- Resilience1220
- Individual Counseling Program
- Elk Creek Elementary
- Bee Bot Robots have been purchased for the K-2 grade classes to have to use to supplement their curriculum
- West Jefferson Elementary
- One Book, One School
- West Jefferson Middle School PTA
- To support innovative approaches and creative ideas in the classroom.
- Deer Creek Elementary
- Reading fluency through word study, emergent reader decodables, and writing mentor text
Upcoming Events:
Rotary District 5450 Conference - Saturday, April 29 @ The Cable Center. Visit the Rotary District 5450 web site to register. The Conifer Club will have a table at the ‘House of Friendship’ to showcase what the Conifer club has been up to this year.
Meeting Program: Owen Jones, Colorado Careers - The Great Resignation, COVID Impact
People quit for many good reasons…. And the good thing is that employers had to pay attention to recruiting and retaining staff.
He expects people to continue to move to places they want to live if they can work remotely. I think the supply chain is going to come back.
Has HR industry learned? Owen: Retention has always been in the book. The cost of retraining is enormous. Value the value of experience.
Some people don’t care where they go -- they just want out. Some public workers like teachers paid so little.
Morti: Many companies speak about work-life balance and don’t practice. Expect you to be on 24/7. Expecting post-grad education, then downgrade the qualification.
Ann: And all this was possible because we are short 3.5 million legal immigrants.
Ruth: Exacerbation of the velvet rope economy. Increasing stratification socio-economically. In legal world, the rich person can hire a team of lawyers while the person with a $25,000 case can’t get a lawyer.
Owen: On inflation: The companies are going to have to reckon with the economic cost of pushing up prices to pay for needed increased wages. The overpriced goods will not be purchased and will go off the shelves.
Amanda: She has companies that say I don’t want anybody old, like over 45. Or voted for person X.
Morti: More self-service. She has heard that supermarkets are losing staff; Costco paying $26 an hour.