- Mask report: 3700+ masks made and delivered! 309 yards of fabric donated to date.
- Don Payton is recovering well! He and Janine did a 15 minute hike yesterday.
- District 5450 is going to purchase peaches from Georgia; we can order with them through July. Conifer still plans to use Nolan Farms Pallisade Peaches. We can also purchase pears. Angela will be speaking with them next week to confirm our order.
- Finn reported on the Assistant Governor meeting: Only five clubs in our District will receive the Presidential Citation and we are one of them!
- A BLOODY GOOD TIME: June 5! Members are donating blood and then meet to socialize in the evening at Marlis’s home. Tom will send particulars. Wear your green Conifer Rotary shirt and get a “selfie” as you donate.
- The District has reduced the business directory fee to $1. Dean sent an email with the particulars if you have a business you would like to promote to fellow Rotarians.
- WooHoo Humanity bike ride in Denver has been changed to Sept 12. There will be more information to come.
- We continue to look at Fund-Raising events. We are solvent, but do not have additional funds to donate. Anyone with ideas, please share your ideas. Ideas brainstormed at the meeting:
- Gil suggested a $100 raffle, members sell the tickets. His Club made close to $5000; the prize was grand-prize cash, plus every 10th ticket got $100. We could also get donations from the community as prizes.
- Wes talked with the Chamber about Elevation Celebration, which will delayed. Depending on COVID-19 guidance, this could enhance our proposed fundraiser in August.
- Perhaps a series of smaller events over the course of the summer.
- Outdoor movies with folks in cars, selling water/soft drinks and snacks.
- Can we do something similar to what we did for St. Pat’s---drive through food with a theme; maybe for “fee” or donation; maybe use local restaurants for food, get beer from Finn? Do a virtual concert after people pick up food and go home?
- Can we do separate shows over the course of a day and folks can pick the show time they want to attend? How could we incorporate local vendors?
- Conifer High School had a car parade as the “graduation” event last Saturday; they drove thru campus, then through the community.
Club Updates
- Bambi Moss volunteered to be our new Webmaster. Thank you Bambi!
- Lee volunteered to be our treasurer for the coming year. Thank you, Lee! He will then move into the Club President position for 2021-2022.
- Cathy is taking a break from Club responsibilities as Treasurer. She has served on the Board since her first six months in the Club. Thank you Cathy!
- We need someone to be program director. Gil and Morti volunteered to team up. Thanks!
- We need a secretary for the coming year. Marlis will relinquish this job as she becomes President.
- The year-end “passing the gavel” will be restricted by COVID-19 guidance. Marlis and Dean will determine how this can be done in a safe and fun way.
Amanda Weedman, Mask-maker extraordinaire. She is a senior recruiter for Good Win Recruiting, a company out of New Hampshire. She presented her take on Charlie Brown and his message for the HR world.