Oct 26, 2021
Lorrie Lindgren
Thrive: Empowering Global Women

Lorrie has been the CEO of Thrive since April 2005. She has established partnerships with over 700 agencies and led over 55 retreats for 5,000+ women ministering around the world. She has been a plenary speaker for Staff Care conferences and teaches webinars on the topic of helping global workers thrive. Before becoming the CEO of Thrive, Lorrie led Women’s Ministries in her local church for twenty years prior to being appointed Vice President of Women’s Ministries (WM) for her denomination. This began thirteen years of service on the national WM Leadership Team. During her tenure as Vice President, she co-authored a Leadership Handbook for Women’s Ministries and led the denomination through a restructuring process for Women’s Ministries.

Lorrie Lindgren
Thrive Ministry
CEO / President

Web: https://thriveministry.org
Email: lorrie@thriveministry.org
Phone or Text: 303.726.0575