Updates & Announcements
Stan opened the meeting with several announcements:
- Thanked everyone for the large in-person and on-line turnout, and for all the warmth and enthusiasm.
- Happy dollars will go to Backpack Project for now.
- We will have two members interview each other so we can get to know each other better. We also will take time at some meetings for different members to brief on aspects of Rotary that perhaps is not familiar to many.
- Kristin is our webmaster; we have an Instagram account now thanks to Janine.
- District governor Jim Johnson will visit Sept. 19.
- He wants to promote peace education at schools, using the Compassionate Communications model. Need help to meet with school officials to discuss. Maybe start with peace clubs in fall 2024. Ed suggested linking this with Rotary buddy benches at schools. A kid sits on it and friend comes and helps
- Tim sent e-mail that on the CSU Wildfire Ready website, the Jefferson County link for local resources is Rotary Wildfire Ready.
- Wes: For ConiferFest, we need sponsorships, more volunteers, etc. We have three beer sponsors, margaritas. Sign-up genius will go up today or tomorrow.
- Lee: Peach sales are getting as many as two hits an hour.
- Jonathan: We are setting up IRC training for the Afghan refugees.
- Some people recommended Duolingo app to practice English.
- Video from Gordon McInally, new RI president. Focus on mental health this year. Provide authentic care to each other. Ask “How are you really?” His other main focus is Peace.
- Charlotte: I sent an email to newest members to look at Rotary magazine story about McInally’s brother’s unfortunate demise due to depression. The issue also has stories of all the RI and Foundation officers.
- Yvonne: Let’s switch from using the term “Mental Health and Wellness” to “Mental Wellness and Health.” The suggestion came from Dean.
- Stan: In September, we will have a Visioning exercise with the whole club, but limited to 30 persons who can attend. Later, Stan will talk more about mental wellness, peacebuilding, Rotary Action Group for Peace but I don’t want to ask you to do more than you are already doing or want to do. Stan also will prioritize youth: Youth projects include RYLA, Interact. A Brazilian exchange student will be at Charles’ house. Jonathan is chairing our Public Image committee. Janine is doing Facebook page and Instagram. I want a new story on the webpage regularly placed high on the page. Maybe people will think it is an interesting page and support our fundraising. We can spotlight one member a week with a very short story and a photo.