“Tis the Season of the White Elephant”
A grand time was had by all
Please pick up your gift at Angela’s home
Three District webinars coming. Sign up on this District website.
- Jan 26, 7-8pm: Strategies for Developing RI Leads
- Febr 4, 6:30-7:30: Principled (win/win) Negotiations
- Mar 4, 6:30-7:30: Unconscious Bias
The RI International Convention will be held June 12-16 in Taipai: Go to the RI Website to register.
Mtn Foothills Rotary Club Ice-Melt fund-raiser is a go on Evergreen Lake. Buy tickets at $3 each to make your estimate for when the barrel drops thru the ice. The funds raised support the Inspire program, serving special needs kids. Go to: Evergreenicemelt.com.
The Valentine’s Day Fund-raising dinner update: There will be 2 menus: Chateaubriand and Parisian Chicken. The cost from Castles and Kitchens will be $25-30 and the Club will determine the price as the fund-raiser. The meals will be a take out. It will be offered Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Valentine’s Day). There will be 16 meals a day on TH. Fri and Sat and 25 meals for Sunday. A small committee will work out details and how the club members can help. Leonor will organize the social media announcements.
There are still masks available on line.
The recipients of our Foundation grants will present their organizations to the Club at our next two zoom meetings.